New insects and diseases will be playing a bigger roll in the future – stay vigilant and check your plants.
We think earthworms are good, well, they generally are. However we have new, invasive earthworms called “snake worms”. They live near the soil surface and rapidly process the organic materials and deplete the soil of nutrients. They multiply quickly and can be overwhelming. We find them just about every place we go. For more information, you can goggle it.
The emerald ash borer is here. I see dead or dying ash trees every time I’m on the road. If you have ash trees, they can be protected but before the insects take hold – don’t wait!
PEST ALERT: Found in New Hampshire – Beech Leaf Disease. It can seriously affect our American Beech, the European and oriental Beech and has the ability to kill them. Researchers are hoping to find a way to control this new pest – a nematode.