Log Cabin Nursery
653 Main Street
Claremont, NH 03743
Phone: 603-543-0384
Fax: 603-543-4032
Email: info@logcabinnurserynh.com
653 Main Street
Claremont, NH 03743
Phone: 603-543-0384
Fax: 603-543-4032
Email: info@logcabinnurserynh.com
653 Main Street
Claremont, NH 03743
Phone: 603-542-7617
Fax: 603-543-4032
Email: lee@stevensforestrycorp.com
Please click here for our location and driving directions
Spring Hours: 7 days a week: Mon-Sat. 9 – 4 : Sun. 10 – 4
Christmas Season: We open the day after Thanksgiving, Nov. 25th, and close when we sell out.